Comments on: Volumio x86: turn every computer in a linux audiophile music player The Music Player Sun, 18 Dec 2016 21:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Sun, 18 Dec 2016 21:47:00 +0000 Downloaded the PC image, installed to a USB flash drive using LiLi USB Creator, and booted my laptop from this USB stick (core i3-2100 something, legacy BIOS enabled). All I get is a GRUB terminal.
If I switch to UEFI-only boot, I also see the terminal but cannot interact with it (keyboard doesn’t work).

By: Pietro Grassano Sun, 11 Sep 2016 06:44:00 +0000 Hi Michelangelo, I installed the x86 Volumio on a USB stick in order to boot from it on my Htpc, an i7 on an Asus P9X79 Deluxe mobo.
The boot works, but I cannot see the Htpc disks (where my music is), not the network….how could I get it? Thanks in advance!

By: Tony De Lobelle Wed, 03 Aug 2016 19:22:00 +0000 Downloaded volumio…installed it un usb stick…used it with my net book…plays wonderfull…but how can I install it on my netbook hdd? Cannot see any option?

By: GC Sat, 30 Jul 2016 01:57:00 +0000 this is great, I have a laptop that is not being used. Can this be used with Pine64?
